How does the new easybox delivery and return process work?


This tutorial will show you how the new easybox delivery and return process works.

How does the new easybox delivery/return process work?

  • eMAG provides customers with a delivery service and return to lockers, for customers who choose to select this delivery method. For you, the new process of delivering packages in lockers is much simpler:
  • A courier account dedicated to locker delivery is automatically created on the platform-eMAG Courier is automatically activated on the platform for all sellers with at least one eligible product for the locker delivery.

  • When you receive an order with locker delivery, you will only be able to issue AWB using your eMAG Courier account. There will be no other courier account for locker delivery.
  • eMAG will send a courier to pick up the package from your address, and from now on the whole delivery process will be managed by eMAG.
  • If there are returns, the courier will return your package from locker.
  • You will be able to set the delivery fee only for home delivery, as the locker delivery service will be managed by eMAG. Thus, the cost for delivery in locker will not be included in the calculation of turnover for setting the commission value.
  • You will be able to set the delivery fee only for home delivery, as the locker delivery service will be managed by eMAG. Thus, the cost for delivery in locker will not be included in the calculation of turnover for setting the commission value.


How does it help you that eMAG is in charge with delivering your products to lockers?

Because we will take care of the whole process, you will not have to set any shipping fee for locker delivery, which means that you will not collect the related amounts from customers; also, you will not pay anything to the courier or eMAG.

All you have to do is issue the AWB, prepare the package for delivery and hand it over to the courier sent by eMAG. eMAG, will set the shipping fee equal to the eMAG fee, collect the customer’s fee to pay it to the courier, and direct the courier to pick up the package from you.

In case of returned products, eMAG will also take care of setting the fees and paying the amounts to the courier, so you will not have any cost here either. Because we will handle this process, you no longer need to sign courier contracts for delivery in lockers.

Important! There is no additional charge for this service. All you have to do is deliver the parcels on time to the eMAG-designated courier on the eMAG Marketplace.


How to issue AWB for products delivered to the locker

Issuing the AWB from the platform is similar to the process you were already using. The eMAG Courier account is automatically created on the platform for locker delivery.

Go to the Orders section and identify the order for which you are generating the AWB. Click the Edit button in the Actions column and verify that the customer data is filled in correctly to generate AWB. Click the Generate AWB button and select the eMAG Courier account to deliver the products in lockers.


Who benefits from the locker delivery managed by eMAG?

Locker delivery is a service offered by eMAG to all customers.


How do you bill the shipping service to customers?

You will no longer need to bill this service for locker delivery. The invoice that you will issue to the customers will be only for the products sold. eMAG will handle the shipping charge for delivery in lockers. Home delivery charges will be billed as before.

We invite you to follow the other tutorials available in the eMAG Academy section. Here you will find more details about delivery in lockers.

Keep up the good work!

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