eMAG Campaigns – WOW Badge

In price discount campaigns, Weekly Occasions or Shopping Events, your products participating in campaigns can get the Wow badge. Here are the selection rules: WOW badge criteria SUPER COLD COLD STANDARD HOT SUPER HOT Discount vs. CMMP 30 (%) 20% 15% 15% 10% 10% Absolute minimum discount vs. CMMP 30 400 HUF 400 HUF 400 HUF 400 HUF 400 HUF Absolute minimum discount even if the 10% discount threshold is not reached vs. CMMP 30 / / / 8000 HUF 8000 HUF Price Index (if it's monitored) <95% <95% <95% <95% <95% The Price Index is taken into account one day…

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