Erotica – New Product Category on the eMAG Website


Expanding the range of products is one of our main concerns, so starting from June 2024, we have activated a new product category on the website: Erotica. You have the chance to be among the first eMAG Marketplace sellers to list this type of product and take advantage of the still unexplored sales potential.


The display of products in the Erotica category on the eMAG website

  • As these are products that can contain sensitive content, we have established conditions for their sale on the eMAG website to protect visitors in case the content is not intended for them.
  • Accessing, viewing text information, images, and video materials, as well as placing orders for products specific to the EROTICA categories, can only be done by individuals who are at least 18 years old.
  • At the time of accessing this category, before being able to continue browsing for products specific to the EROTICA categories, a pop-up will appear asking visitors to confirm that they are at least 18 years old.


Which products can be categorized in this category

The Erotica category can list products such as adult sex toys, erotic games, clothing items, massage oil, and others.

To see the full list, please consult the category structure in your account, the Products – Product Categories section, filtering the Erotica category.

It is important to note that products can be categorized only if the manufacturer has defined them for this purpose when manufacturing the product.


Documentation standards for products in the Erotica category

Like any product listed on the eMAG Marketplace, products in the Erotica category must adhere to the specific documentation standards for this category:

Product Name

The title of product in the EROTICA categories align with the eMAG platform standard and highlight the main characteristics of the products.

The naming standard for EROTICA categories is as follows: Product Type + Brand + Model + other key characteristics (Size, Color).

It is recommended to use a descriptive title that includes the information presented in other sections of the documentation (images, description, characteristics).

The title should strictly refer to the product listed, and characteristics that can be interpreted as explicit or vulgar will not be accepted.

Do not mention another product in the title that matches the product presented in the rest of the documentation.

Maintaining a professional language contributes to creating a pleasant shopping experience.


Filling in all characteristics is important to ensure optimal visibility for your products.

As you know, most of these represent filters that users apply in their searches. Therefore, a complete set of characteristics ensures the display of your product, regardless of the criterion selected by customers.

In the documentation process, depending on the type of product listed, there are characteristics where you will need to mention information such as: intensity levels, functions, length, diameter, stimulation type, material, used for, color, batteries, properties, power supply, water resistance, quantity, texture, aroma.

Also, certain fields in the characteristics area are restrictive and mandatory, depending on the type of product listed, namely: product type, length, functions, diameter, material.


Including images that directly or implicitly illustrate sexual acts is prohibited.  Also, avoiding explicit or potentially offensive content is crucial.

Maintain a professional aesthetic in all images, avoiding vulgar, obscene language or any element that could be considered offensive. Images should focus on the product itself, without including explicit elements.

Main image

It must clearly present the product, captured frontally, alone, without any additional decorative elements, on a white background.

Inserting additional elements such as:  images with other products than the one presented in the documentation  logo, zoom, texts, watermarks, collages is prohibited.

Secondary images

For these, a white background is recommended, but not mandatory.

Focus the images on the product itself, highlighting its details and features.

Images should provide a clear perspective on the appearance, dimensions, and functionalities of the product.

Image size:

The recommended size for images of products in the Erotica categories is 640×640 pixels.

Accepted file types are JPG (.jpg), PNG (.png).

For clothing products, the image standard is:

The product must be photographed only from the front, even if it is on a model.

Photos taken on a mannequin are accepted.

The first two images of the product must be on a white background and present the item from the front (main image) and from the back (secondary image).

For other images in the gallery, a white background is not mandatory.

The minimum accepted image size is 640×960 pixels, aspect ratio 2/3.



The description area highlights details about the product’s advantages, the material it is made of, certifications (if applicable), usage and installation instructions, assembly, cleaning and storage recommendations, as well as other information provided in the characteristics area.

You can present the benefit of representative features of your product if they provide additional information to the customer, maintaining a professional expression and avoiding vulgar, obscene language, or any element that could be considered offensive.

Including images that directly or implicitly depict sexual acts is prohibited.

The description should only present the product sold, not other complementary products.

All information in the description must correspond to the product’s name, characteristics, and images.

Packaging products for delivery

Products in the EROTICA categories are products that require special packaging to maintain customer privacy and confidentiality.

It is imperative to ensure that both packaging and labeling, as well as any other information on the box, do not provide any indication of the nature of the product and adhere to the confidentiality standards imposed.


Return conditions for products in the Erotica category

Products sold in the Erotica category fall under the provisions of Government Decree 45/2014 (26.II.) § 29 (1), which stipulates that, by their nature, the products cannot be returned for reasons of health protection or hygiene or if they have been used or unsealed by consumers.


Promotion rules for products in the Erotica category

Products classified in the Erotica category can be promoted within the category through eMAG Ads and can have Genius tags if included in the program, as well as Super price tags (where the Price Index is monitored).

Products will not appear in the retargeting algorithm on the eMAG website, in promotional campaigns, or in external advertising media.

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