With eMAG you costs remail minimal
How we calculate commissions?
- The commission varies between 7 and 25%, depending on the category in which your products are.
- You receive the money for the sale twice a month, from which eMAG keeps the related commission.
- You can see the fee grid detailed in the contract before you sign it.
How much does activating the FBE (Fulfillment by eMAG) service cost?
- You have a storage fee, depending on the age of the stock.
- You have a processing fee, depending on dimensions and weight, starting at 3.99 RON
FBE Cost Simulator
Download the simulator, fill in the product name, category, stock and volumetric data, and the tool will automatically generate a cost simulation.
Read the full tutorial and discover how you can use the simulator to your advantage.
Learn more about costs from Academy
The sale of threshing flail-type cutting attachment containing multiple interconnected metal parts for portable handheld brush cutters is not allowed on the eMAG Marketplace platform
The care for our customers is at the heart of all decisions, and in our endeavor to provide an easy ordering experience and as wide
Segítség a külföldi piacnyitáshoz – Daradics Kinga interjú
Örömmel osztjuk meg veletek a friss interjút Daradics Kingával, az eMAG vezérigazgatójával, melyben számos érdekes és fontos fejleményről beszélgettünk a vállalat életében és stratégiájában. A
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